It’s uncommon knowledge that the most effective form of psychological therapy was handed down by the ancient Greeks and Romans.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is an approach with philosophical origins harking back to ancient Stoic philosophers. And some two thousand years later, CBT is now widely considered the most efficacious treatment for anxiety, depression, and substance abuse.
The idea of philosophy as psychotherapy was commonplace in Hellenistic societies. However, it was the Stoics who placed most emphasis on the therapeutic dimension of philosophy.
Stoicism survived for five centuries, but “its therapeutic concepts and practices were largely neglected until the 20th century when a rational approach to psychotherapy began emerging, which held that many emotional problems were caused by negative self-talk.”
Perhaps the best way to illustrate a CBT model of emotion is with a quote from Marcus Aurelius. “If thou are pained by any external thing, it is not the thing that disturbs thee, but thine own judgment about it. And it is in thy power to wipe out this judgment now.”
Blue Collar’s partner, BEACON, builds emotional resilience by delivering digital CBT to Canadians. CBT is essential to disability prevention, especially amid a global pandemic.