Antidepressant prescriptions have spiked 34% during the pandemic. And WCB recently reported a 2700% PRE-pandemic rise in complex psych claims.
SSRIs (i.e. Prozac, Celexa, etc) account for the majority of these antidepressant prescriptions, dominating antidepressant volumes across Western societies.
And while SSRIs are undeniably effective, it takes the typical mental health sufferer three tries to find the right medication. This guesswork often provokes adverse effects including anxiety and insomnia, which may then lead to co-prescribing of sedatives such as benzos, antipsychotics and other antidepressants.
All the trial-and-error is frightening and often debilitating for people. The vicious cycle frequently leads to absenteeism, long-term or permanent disability, and sharply higher WCB and health-benefit premiums.
Blue Collar too often witnesses the wreckage of prescriptions gone wrong — careers destroyed, marriages annulled, hearts broken — because of hellish chain reactions triggered by psych meds.
For this reason, Blue Collar is elated to offer Pillcheck to its clients. Pillcheck uses a person’s DNA to predict with a high degree of certainty their response to a drug, thus avoiding needless pain, addiction, prolonged disability, and expensive costs.