Last year a scuffle broke out between a man and a lady coworker in an Edmonton office building. Words were exchanged and the two combatants had to be physically separated.
After the dust settled, the male employee vented his frustration on a nearby office door, striking it with his fist and breaking multiple bones in the process. His subsequent WCB claim was accepted on the grounds that the injury arose out of, and in the course of, his employment duties.
The injured worker’s employer chose not to appeal WCB’s decision and hence incurred some $60K in claims costs. Employers are well advised to learn from this missed opportunity for a full refund.
Want all-time low WCB and group rates? Call Canada’s fastest growing WCB & disability management company. Blue Collar recovers the $50-300K/yr you don’t know you’re spending on phantom disability costs. And we pull this off for about half the cost of a summer student.
Visit for free information on how to challenge WCB decisions.