Employers understand the value of worker engagement and retention, but there’s a growing awareness concerning the risk and cost of absence and disability.
In respect of this expanded awareness, CSA Group has announced the unveiling of Z1011:20 Standard, Work Disability Management System.
As the first standard of its kind in the world, Z1011 will help businesses achieve fewer workplace injury recurrences, fewer long-term work-related disabilities, fewer work disability absences, lower WCB costs, improved operational performance, and increased worker productivity.
While CSA standards are voluntary and have no legal force per se, they are considered best practice documents in their subject matter area and have the potential to affect employers’ legal obligations.
Moreover, courts and other adjudicative bodies will likely consider Z1011 in their determinations of the standard of care employers must meet in respect of accommodating disability and providing psychologically safe workplaces.
At this time, CSA standards have emerged as the single most useful strategy for employers to adopt if they wish to reduce the threat of liability for physical and mental injuries.
To order your copy of the Z1011:20 Standard, click below.