Question of the Week

Dear Blue Collar,

Q: One of our workers, a delivery driver, accidentally struck a dog en route to a drop off. The dog survived, but our worker was understandably shook up. However, she’s now on WCB for PTSD allegedly caused by the incident. The Board has since accepted the worker’s demands to be enrolled in an expensive undergraduate program, as driving apparently triggers unpleasant flashbacks. And so, our WCB account will be charged $100K in tuition costs.

A cost like this could break us. Appeal now or wait?

A: Continue to pursue your dissatisfaction with the case worker until you get a written decision, complete with rationale. If you disagree with WCB’s reasons for claim acceptance, step two is to enter into the appeals process, taking the issue to the Dispute Resolution & Decision Review Board and ultimately to the Appeals Commission. It’s worth noting that an investigation into an employer’s objection to a claim can occur while the claim is in active progress, or conversely, an appeal may be launched long after the case is closed.

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Call (780)-340-5727 to speak with our 541 Eagleson Wynd, Edmonton T6M 0Y4 team for free.
Picture of Ben Barfett

Ben Barfett

Ben Barfett, Principal and Consultant, has spent his life in the construction sector, specifically heavy civil, enviro, commercial, and energy. Having held senior roles in business development, technical advisory, and regional management, he earned his stripes in the field and in head office. Conscious of the interplay between commercial, legal, and execution aspects of construction, his business insights are informed by expertise in WCB policy and enhanced with disability-specific training.

Picture of Ben Barfett

Ben Barfett

Ben Barfett, Principal and Consultant, has spent his life in the construction sector, specifically heavy civil, enviro, commercial, and energy. Having held senior roles in business development, technical advisory, and regional management, he earned his stripes in the field and in head office. Conscious of the interplay between commercial, legal, and execution aspects of construction, his business insights are informed by expertise in WCB policy and enhanced with disability-specific training.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.


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